Monday, October 14, 2013

The Boxer Rebellion at the Kentish Forum. London 11th Oct 2013

Good show of The Boxer Rebellion last friday 11th October 2013. They are a London based band I am following since they released their brilliant single 'Code red' sometime in the mid 2000 (By the way, I wonder what happened to that song? and why they dont play it live anymore?).
The gig took place in the forum in Kentish Town, one of my favorite venues in the English capital indeed.

The venue was almost sold out and the band played a good set list ('Diamonds', 'All you do is Talk', 'We have this place surrounded', 'Step out of the car' amongst many others). The ballads from the last album were a bit of a down in my opinion ('No harm' ,'You belong to me' and probably another one). Not a big fan. But overall it was a good show with an intense and great end: 'The Gospel of Goro Adachi' with the singer Nathan (Followed by the lead guitarist Todd) jumping into the crowd.

The band will carry on with more live shows on a second leg of the current 'Promises' tour in America and Europe.
I personally hope they keep playing on the same style they always did with their first releases which means more guitar based songs and less mellow ballads with piano&keyboards.

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